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Ora che finalmente e’ disponibile Skype anche per iPhone, non ci sono più limiti al risparmio! Altre soluzioni tipo Nimbuzz e Fring non garantiscono la qualità audio di questa applicazione e diventano presto scoccianti da utilizzare. Se poi si dispone di un iPhone con jailbreak, non bisogna perdere un secondo: scaricare da Cydia il programma […]

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An insight on future

Alcuni link di invenzioni interessanti. Green Vehicles’s Triac Superpowerful wind turbines E-Fuel’s Micro Fueler Clean nuclear

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iPod: agony, death and resurrection!

I hope this article may be useful to someone else who loves his iPod as I do. I own a 60gb iPod Photo and went through all of the possible steps leading to the definitive end of my beloved. It all started when I decided to buy a car connector for my Fiat Grande Punto. […]

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Core data: dependent keys

Simple problem: I want to update an attribute dependent on other attributes. Solution: setKeys:triggerChangeNotificationForDependentKey:. A not so simple problem: for speed issues, I want to cache the dependent keys and do some other stuf (refresh a view and so on). In the following exampe I have a NSManagedObject rectangle with two attributes width and height. […]

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Core data: ivars and other stuff

After playing for a while with CD, I decided it fitted me perfectly but… Speed ! CD is indeed very fast and highly optimized but what if you should draw many times per second graphic objects which store their coordinates through core data ? I mean, I draw lines (entities) connecting joints (other kind of […]

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OpenGL: gluUnproject, gluPerspective and gluLookAt

The use of incorrect parameters in gluPerspective may lead to incorrect results while trying to read scene coordinates via gluUnproject. After several nights spent trying to figure out the math leading coordinate transformations, I’ve come across the final (by now) solution. The problem is simple. Given local window coordinates x,y, calculate the scene coordinates x,y,z […]

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Come gestire il proprio computer da un altro in LAN o su Internet

Introduzione Sono passati ormai molti anni da che Apple ha reso disponibile Remote Desktop, ma ai tempi non avevo capito esattamente a che cosa servisse. L’ho scoperto solo poco tempo fa quando sono incappato in un programma simile ma open source (e quindi gratuito): VNC. Il concetto è semplicissimo ed è l’implementazione a 360° dell’architettura […]

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