iPhone Dev Tips: Navigation and Tap Bar Controller

1. UINavigationController Handling navigation controllers programmatically is very easy. Starting from scratch and without using IB, you can create a navigation controller in the applicationDidFinishLaunching delegate medhod. Next you need to add it at least one view controller. Adding more controllers results in displaying only the last one which resides at the top of the […]

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iPhone Dev Tips: View controllers & UIScrollView

Just something I’d better remind next time I pick up with an application development. View controllers are the solid rocks on which everything is built and UIScrollView is easy to use only if you know how. 1. UIViewController There are four main methods you’ll probably use: – (id)initWithNibName:(NSString *)nibName bundle:(NSBundle *)nibBundle In here you can init all of […]

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Ora che finalmente e’ disponibile Skype anche per iPhone, non ci sono più limiti al risparmio! Altre soluzioni tipo Nimbuzz e Fring non garantiscono la qualità audio di questa applicazione e diventano presto scoccianti da utilizzare. Se poi si dispone di un iPhone con jailbreak, non bisogna perdere un secondo: scaricare da Cydia il programma […]

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